One to One

Take a moment, step back and think about the tools you had available to you while in grade school. Depending on your generation this will vary from slide rules to iPads. Now think about how these tools impacted your learning experience. In most cases these tools were...

Inbox Overload

“You’ve got mail” used to be one of the most exciting things to hear when you logged in to AOL to check your email. Nowadays the email notification goes off so often we start asking others around us, “Is that you or me?”. A slight buzz in our pockets and we take out...

Shave your head? I highly recommend HeadBlade

Shave your head? I highly recommend HeadBladeEver since I started shaving my head I have been using HeadBlade. The idea behind HeadBlade is you shave by feel – not by sight which is much harder when shaving the back of your head. Even if you have been shaving...